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Expired Domain

From 1 to 10 days after domain name expired:

Once your domain is expired, you have 10 days grace period to renew the domain at regular price as stated on your invoice.

From 11 to 18 days after the domain name expired:

If you have not renewed your domain during the 10 days grace period, you have 8 days from this point to pay the regular price as stated on your invoice for your domain plus $80 redemption fee in order to renew your domain.

From 19 to 28 days after the domain name expired:

If you still have not renewed your domain during the 18 days from the expiration date, you have another 10 days to pay the regular price  as stated in your invoice plus $150 recovery fee in order to renew your domain. 

After the 28 days period and you have not renewed your domain, the system will check for backorder.  

From 28 to 45 days after the domain name expired:

If no back order has placed a backorder on your domain, it will go into an auction period of up to 45 days.

The expired domain name will be on auction, which is beyond our control, to domainers who can buy your domain at bidding the highest price during the auction period. 

From 46 to 75 days after the domain name expired:

After auction period, if no one has bought the domain name from the auction and there is no backorder,  the domain will go into a 30 days of Redemption Grace Period, which you might still can get your domain back, but need to pay the regular price as stated in  your invoice plus the $250 penalty fee.

75 to 80 days from the date of the expiration:

After the 75 days period, the domain will go into a Pending Deletion period in the next 5 days.  

After 80 days from the expiration date, the domain is released back to the public and be available for anyone to buy.